but i can handle it. there are a lot of annoyances and changes in life that so many times we need to handle and have the ability to handle and accept but most of the time we just gripe and complain. i hate the snow, i can't believe that i have to pay for parking or whatever.
now i can't change the fact that it snows in january on long island but i can change my attitude toward it and just accept it.
i too need to realize that "i can handle it" and the things that i can't i will leave it for GOD to handle. we too are going through changes and speed bumps in our lives but it's no big deal. thank you Pastor Bill for relaxing my mind :)
kristin, there are things we can handle and we do, such as making looking for a job, any job our job and then leaving the rest in GOD's hands. but it is important to understand that there is something that we must do many times.
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