confidence is such an important thing to have when you are waiting.
i am a la dodger fan. this year's team right now is filled with a core of young players who are growing in confidence. one reason is because they have listen to their manager, joe torre, and their hitting coach, don mattingly as they have taught them a new approach to hitting. the approach is to wait patiently for their pitch to hit and to not be afraid to go deep in the count, not afraid to walk.
there are many different reasons why this patient approach has worked in helping make the dodgers the team with the best record in baseball this year. even when they are behind in a game they have confidence that they will come back. last night they won in the 10th inning with a walk after they had been behind 4-1. confidence and patience. the good teams have it. the tampa bay rays are also a young team who is starting to come back and they know you don't win the pennant in april.
job never lost his confidence in all that he did. when the outlook is bad, you look up. now these young teams are putting their confidence in mature managers but we are to put our confidence in GOD.
micah 7.7 (tev), i will wait confidently for GOD.
how do you do that? you have hope. micah 7.7 (niv), but as for me, i watch in hope for the LORD, i wait for GOD my SAVIOR; my GOD will hear me.
rick warren says, hope is holding on praying expectantly - hope.
when you have a problem that's unexplainable, a person who is unchangeable, a circumstance that is uncontrollable then wait confidently. GOD is working.
how do you wait confidently? sit still. don't get nervous, anxious. you don't take matters into your own hands and work things out.
psalm 37.7 (ms), quiet down before GOD, be prayerful before HIM.
i like also how the message paraphrase puts micah 7.7 (ms), but me, i'm not giving up. i'm sticking around to see what GOD will do. i'm waiting for GOD to make things right. i'm counting on GOD to listen to me.
your confidence comes from the one you put your trust in. i am confident because my trust is in GOD. what about you?
just some thoughts here on the front porch...
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