philippians 1.6 (nirv), i am sure that the ONE who began a good work in you will carry it on until it is completed. that will be on the day CHRIST JESUS returns.
now GOD has the power to change human personality and because of that to HIM no person is hopeless so HE never gives up on people. this is a great promise of GOD. claim it for your kids, for your mate, for yourself.
paul here is talking about faith and faith is expecting the best from other people. there is tremendous power in faith. you and i are shaped by expectations. we tend to live up to what other people expect of us.
so because of that fact what do you expect out of your kids, your spouse, your friend? not much? guess what you are getting? not much.
our common mistake is we judge others by how far they have to go rather than how far they have come.
we as the church sometimes are bad at this. we see somebody and say, how can that person be a CHRISTian, they have that habit or they’re living that lifestyle. but we don’t look at the difference since CHRIST came into their life. they’re becoming, they’re growing and we need to look at how far people have come in order to enjoy them and be grateful.
just some thoughts from the front porch...
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