we are looking at the 8 attitudes for happiness that JESUS gave in HIS first sermon and the fourth one deals with this matter of our being satisfied. matthew 5.6 (ph), happy are those who are hungry and thirsty for true goodness, for they will be fully satisfied!
we all have a spiritual hunger inside of us but we just don't call it that. we use phrases like "my life is empty", "i'm bored", "i'm restless", "something seems to be missing in my life", "there must be more to life than this".
even when things are going good, when there seems to be success in our life, there is this gnawing feeling on the inside – something's missing!
the rolling stones gave us our theme song, "i can't get no satisfaction". so why is it that so many people are so unsatisfied? why is it? well the bible says it's because we're looking in the wrong places.
one place we look is in pleasure. if i could just take a cruise... retire in luxury ... travel the world, then i'd be happy.
the bible says in ecclesiastes 1.8 (lb), no matter how much we see, we are never satisfied; no matter how much we hear, we are not content.
most ads on television appeal to this hunger for happiness. "the taste that satisfies." if that were true you'd only have to have one cup, you'd never need another cigarette.
how many of you have had a late night refrigerator raid? you get up, you go to the refrigerator. you don't know what you want but you're hungry. you open the door, you nibble on this, you nibble on that, nothing satisfies, nothing tastes good. you close the door, go back, get in bed and you're still hungry.
many people are that way in life to the point that they'll try anything. they'll break the rules. they'll go get drunk. they'll try one night stands.
hebrews 11.25 (niv) says, the pleasures of sin last a short time. they just don't last.
just a thought from the front porch…
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