Tuesday, February 9, 2010

how do i get calm when i pray?...

there is another enemy you come up against before you hear GOD, and that is negative emotions.

the next voice you usually hear is your conscious. satan loves to play with your conscious. he is the accuser of the CHRISTians. you start thinking of all the things that you're not doing, that you're guilty of, your sins, your faults, your weaknesses. satan is screaming, "guilty!" that doesn't make prayer any fun.

if everytime you sit down with a person to talk to them, they start criticizing you, pretty soon you'd start saying, i don't like to talk to that person. if everytime you sit down to pray all of a sudden you'd start feeling how bad you are and the things that are wrong in your life, then it's no wonder you're not going to want to pray.

this is not the voice of GOD. that's the voice of the devil and your conscious which is always putting you down. the bible says that for the believer, there is no condemnation for those who are in CHRIST.

satan is the accuser. GOD is a living father who wants to talk to you, not sit around and condemn you. to get past this you have got to decide, am i going to focus on what's wrong with me or am i going to focus on GOD's love? HE wants to encourage you. HE wants to lift you up. HE wants to love you.

how do you do that? how do you calm your thoughts and emotions? let me give you a biblical technique for tuning into GOD. this isn't something i got out of a meditation or self-help book. this is right out of the book of psalms. david says i do this mentally and emotionally so i can hear from GOD.

one is relax you body. psalm 46.10 (niv), be still and know that i am GOD.

the first thing you've got to do if you're going to relax your mind is you've got to relax your body. you need to let go, be still, get comfortable.

the bible says david sat before the LORD when he prayed. get yourself in a comfortable position. let go of muscle tension. your body affects your attitudes. if you don't feel good physically it affects your emotions and your moods.

your body does influence your attitudes. they're tied together. as your body relaxes so does your mind. just relax your body. be still, the bible says.

just a thought from the front porch…

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