Wednesday, June 22, 2011

my idea or GOD’s will?…

another test that joseph faced after sharing his dream was the test of doubt.  it’s not just saying that it’s not true but saying, “i don’t know if GOD really wants this.”  

you can see in the reactions of the brothers and of the father and the family all the different expressions that doubt can take.  hatred to questions to rebuke.  you’re going to face doubt whenever you have a GOD given dream.

the next test is the worst of all.  it’s most unexpected if you’ve never heard anyone tell you this.  if you have a GOD given dream, it’s really from GOD, most likely it’s going to face the test of destruction.  it’s going to look like that dream gets totally wiped out.  there’s no way that it can come true. 

it happens to joseph.  in genesis 37, beginning at verse 12 we hear the story.  joseph was still 17.  his father sends him about 30 miles north to the fields of shechem to find out how his brothers and the flocks are doing.  the last time joseph had gone out to see how his brothers were taking care of the flock he’d brought back a bad report to the father so the relationship isn’t going too well.  and after two dreams the brothers are mad at him.  they see joseph coming from a long distance.

and as they see him coming, they say, “here’s an idea.  here’s how we can take care of this problem.  let’s kill him.  if we kill him the problem will be gone.”  then someone else says, “we can’t kill him.  he’s our brother.  let’s sell him.  then we can make money out of this.  that’s a lot better way to go.”  that family had a few problems!      

and they sell their brother as a slave and they take that multicolored coat, the richly ornamented robe that was the symbol of the fact that he was loved more than any of the others and they put blood on it and take it back to the father and they say, “jacob’s dead.  he’s gone.”  

and the family starts to disintegrate.  we’re going to see what happened to this family because of their actions.  for now, we’re going to follow through on joseph and what happened to him. 

he’s sold into slavery.  remember, he’s had a dream.  he was going to rise up above his brothers, above his father and mother.  he was going to be a ruler.  a great dream!  yet the first step in the fulfillment of this dream is he becomes a slave.  could anything be further from his GOD-given dream?  destruction.         

joseph is put in a place that seemed as far away from GOD’s dream for his life as possible.  does that make sense to you?  it makes sense to GOD.  it makes sense when you understand the life of faith. 

why do dreams face tests?  to provide answers.  when dreams face tests we find out whose dream it really is.  when dreams face tests, we find out if it’s my idea or GOD’s will.

just a thought from the front porch…


Sportet said...

Hi Bill, I'm a new follower. I think a lot of times are disappointment and doubt about an unfulfilled dream from God comes from impatience.

How many years did Joseph have to wait before the dream God gave him occurred?

How many years did David have to wait between being anointed king and actually becoming king?

How many years did Jeremiah prophesy the destruction of Israel before it happened?

There's more to "Waiting on the Lord" than a little quiet time in the morning. ;)

My blog is Manifest Blog if you're interested.

Bill Williams said...

that is so true stephen. the thing is though it isn't us waiting on GOD but HIM waiting on us.

Anonymous said...

I can really relate to what happened to Joseph, trouble comes first in your life then the Lord will reward you in the most unexpected way, unimaginable. He will lift you up beyond your imagination.