Relationships are so important to us but usually the
word "integrity" is used when we talk about business and finance and
having integrity there. Or when we talk
about politicians and not having integrity there. We talk about all different kinds of
integrity except for personal integrity, in our families, integrity with our
friends, integrity in our CHRISTian relationships.
Now the real value of integrity for relationships
is that it has the power to build trust in a relationship. And trust is what fuels a relationship. When you and I have integrity in a
relationship it builds that level of trust one to another.

benefits of integrity that
help that level of trust to build in a relationship:
1. Protection – less fear. If you have
less fear in a relationship it can build trust.
If I feel GOD's protection because of my integrity I will have less
Psalm 25:21 (NIV), "May
integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope is in YOU." As long as my hope is just in my relationships, I don't have any outside
protection in my life, it's not enough.
But integrity gives me a more sure foundation.
2. Security – greater confidence. Proverbs 10:9 (NIV), “The man of integrity walks securely”.
3. Guidance – better decisions. Integrity
gives us a sort of internal guidance system so we can make better decisions.
Proverbs 11:3 (NIV), "The
integrity of the upright guides them."
You put these three things together – protection,
security, guidance – and plug them into any relationship and if you have those
attitudes in your self, you have that strength in your own heart and mind in a
relationship, you're going to be a strength to that relationship, rather than
someone who pulls the relationship down.
You're going to be the kind of person who, because of your integrity,
enables and strengthens that relationship to work.
Just a thought from the front porch…
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