Wednesday, November 5, 2008

it's over...

well, the election is over. we now have a new direction. i don't mean that we have a new president but we now can turn for awhile to a more positive outlook. all of the negativity should start to be a little more positive because so many people now have hope and excitement because their man has been elected.

of course the losers are very frustrated but that is life and they have to go on. now i believe in democracy but i don't put my total trust in it. i put my trust in GOD. HE can bring what HE wants out of anything. i trust HIM. and i believe HIS view of it all is different than our view. yes HE did say to give to caesar what is due caesar but caesar is not lord, JESUS is LORD.

now here is the key, if your candidate lost or won, how as a CHRISTian will you respond? i am in luke the 6th chapter in my morning reading and here in the message version is what i read this morning in verse 31, "here is a simple rule of thumb for behavior: ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them!" we need to make sure we respond as we would want someone to respond to us.

and don't let pride, despair, fear, anger, take over. remember GOD is in control and HE has a plan, and HIS purpose will be fulfilled in the end. read the end of the book. those of us who are CHRIST-followers win, not republicans, not democrats, and not our own selfish interests.
how are you doing today? remember, respond as GOD says to respond, we are to respond differently than others who are not CHRIST-followers would respond. don't be proud and don't be in despair but give to others what we would want them to give to us. also remember that our hope is in CHRIST. for JESUS is LORD!!!

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