Thursday, November 6, 2008

we are to be truly different...

i am reading of luke's account of JESUS' sermon on the mount in chapter 6 and i am challenged with how different we as CHRIST-followers are to be. verses 31-34 in the message says, "here is a simple rule of thumb for behavior: ask yourself what you want people to do for you; then grab the initiative and do it for them! if you only love the lovable, do you expect a pat on the back? run-of-the-mill sinners do that. if you only help those who help you, do you expect a medal? garden-variety sinners do that. if you only give for what you hope to get out of it, do you think that's charity? the stingiest of pawnbrokers does that."

now i understand the desire of the church to really make a difference, to stop abortion, to deal politically with same sex marriages, to make sure that people know the potential of leaders to be the anti-Christ, but what if we who are pro-CHRIST would do what HE really says will make a difference, to do to others what you want done to you, to love the unlovable, to help those who won't help you, give knowing you will get nothing in return, what kind of real difference would that make?

oh i know those other issues are important, but i believe that too many times we win the battles but lose the war, the war against satan in claiming people as his own. when are we going to realize how important people, real people are to GOD. HE sent JESUS for people and HE showed us and told us how to make a difference in their lives.

yes the battles are important but how many women who have had an abortion have we reached out to in love, showing them that GOD and us love them no matter what. or what about that person who is seeking for love, who has looked in the wrong areas sexually but has had the church turn their back on them and rejected them, who we should be reaching out to with understanding and care to show them how the GOD of the Bible sees them. yes HE hates sin but HE died for the sinner. we've got one part of that right at least if it isn't the sin that we are dealing with but what about the other?

and then those who say that the Bible says that someone is the anti-Christ. come on if we don't follow the teaching that JESUS gave in verses 31-34, we are anti-Christ. disobedience is anti what CHRIST teaches. if we believe it we do it.

well, JESUS teaches us how to really, really be different. but HE hast to be in us. HE makes all the difference and HE will make all the difference if we truly have HIM inside to live out through us.

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