Monday, February 23, 2009

but do i really trust HIM...

i love the way life is laid out. every second, every hour, every day, every week, each one has a new beginning, a new opportunity. granted some of the dumb things we have done, the stupid decisions that we make have a carryover effect. there is a cause and effect reality in life and we can’t go back and relive our lives. there is no do over in life for those regrets we have but romans 8:28 (niv) says about those who love GOD, we know that in all things GOD works for the good of those who love HIM who have been called according to HIS purpose.

we know that in all things GOD works for the good of those who love HIM. it doesn’t say in some things. it doesn’t say in the good things. it says in all things.

now it doesn’t say that all things are good but that GOD works for good. GOD can take evil and turn it around and bring good out of it. GOD loves to turn crucifixions into resurrections. HE is the pro at turning pain into benefit and productivity.

but this is not for everybody. it is a promise for those who love HIM. only when you say, “JESUS CHRIST, i want to be yours. i want to take all the broken pieces of my life and then YOU give me peace for the pieces.” and HE takes all the pieces in your life and makes something beautiful out of them. it is not a promise for everybody. you must place it all in CHRIST’s hands.

think about the biggest disappointment you’ve ever had. or think about the thing you regret most in your life. it still hurts when you think about it.

GOD saw it before it ever happened. and HE has found a way to weave it into HIS plan and purpose for your good, your growth, and HIS glory.

you mean HE can take even the stupid things that i’ve done in my past and still turn them around and use them for good in my life? yes! GOD can take even the things other people do to hurt you intentionally or unintentionally and the things you've done to hurt others that your ashamed of and use them for good when you give HIM all the pieces. that is such good news.

so what are you afraid of? when you think about the future, what’s your stomach in a knot about? when you think about the changes that are coming up in your life, what is it that causes your back muscles and neck to tense up or your face to feel flushed, or your mouth to go dry, because you think, “i don’t know if i can handle that or not.” is it a financial thing or what is it?

regardless of what it is that’s got you stressed out today, why don’t you do what david did? psalm 56.11 (nlt), i trust in GOD so why should i be afraid?

good question, why should i be afraid?

just as a side light, my new friend joe q and i were talking at church yesterday about the fact that we as CHRISTians so many times live out our lives as if there is no GOD. on sunday we sing the songs, but on monday... we say with our mouths that we are CHRIST followers but we live with our worries as if CHRIST doesn’t exist. CHRISTians on sunday but atheists on monday.

listen if we trust in GOD we will not be afraid. then psalm 46.1-2 (nlt), GOD is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. and so we will not fear even if earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea.

and that is a great way to start out a new work week. no matter what you are facing, GOD is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. HE can be trusted but we don't prove HE can be trusted in our lives until we really trust HIM.

just some thoughts from bill’s front porch on a monday morning here on long island…

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