Thursday, February 19, 2009

it doesn't change...

i finally decided on what newspapers that i will have delivered. in most towns there are at the most 2 newspapers but here in new york city there are 4 papers. well, i always get the usa today delivered so i finally decided on the long island newsday for the week and the ny times on saturday and sunday.

now you can imagine how all of the ny papers have been handling this a-rod story about his taking steroids. alex rodriquez plays baseball for the ny yankees and it came out last week that he took steroids back when he played for the texas rangers.

back a few years ago katie couric interviewed him and asked him if he took steroids and he said he didn't. and everybody believed a-rod but a-rod's word wasn't true and he has been having interviews after interviews and he seems to be changing his word.

but GOD's word doesn't change. isaiah 40.8 in the contemporary english version says, what our God has said will never change.

it’s timeless, enduring, eternal. it never withers; it’s always fresh. it doesn’t get stale. GOD’s word is never out of date.

psalm 119:152 in the message says, i've known all along from the evidence of your words that you meant them to last forever.

notice it’s not meant as a temporary suggestion. these are eternal principles. JESUS said it like this: heaven and earth will pass away but my word will never pass away. it abides forever. no book has been more criticized, more judged, more ridiculed, more banned, more burned than this book and yet it is as fresh and relevant today as it was when it was first given over 2000 years ago.

when the american astronaut alan shepherd was getting ready to go up into space for the very first time, a reporter asked him “what are you depending on in this flight?” his answer is classic: “i’m depending upon the fact that GOD’s laws will not change.” great answer.

GOD has established certain physical laws of the universe. physics and chemistry and all kinds of science study these laws and discover how they operate. like if you jump off a tall building, you’re going to go down. if you mix certain chemicals and put them in your eye, you’re going to go blind. any time you ignore GOD’s physical laws, like if you go 100 miles an hour and ram your car into a wall, then you don’t break the law, that law breaks you. if i jump off a tall building, i don’t break the law of gravity; it breaks me.

how would it be if gravity worked every other day? would that put a crimp in your lifestyle?

in the same way, every time i ignore GOD’s moral or GOD’s spiritual law, i hurt myself. they’re there for my benefit. it causes stress. it causes worry. it causes guilt. it causes anger. it causes conflict in relationships – all kinds of problems when i break GOD’s moral laws.

many of our society’s social ills wouldn’t even be here. we would have no sexually transmitted diseases – none whatsoever would be in this world – if everybody followed GOD’s moral laws. which one of them is: no sex outside of marriage. if everybody followed that, there would be no sexually transmitted diseases in the entire world.

well let's stop there. just some thoughts here on bill's front porch...


Unknown said...

Very well said Bill!

I can certainly appreciate not only the absolute timeless truth you have given me here but i also appreciate your particular written presentation.

You should be writing for Daily Bread. :)

We have never met (as far as i am aware) but i spent several years studying relativism and absolutism. The got ahold of me one night on the bar lined streets of Westport (KC MO) when i met a man who presented me with 'truth'.

Two men sat there debating while people watched, i being one. One man said "But truth is relative, it doesnt really exist" The man who I later came to know as Wendell (AKA The Son of Thunder) said ever so simply... "Are you sure thats true?"... When the man responded with a resounding "YES!" i started to laugh and the others around me stared as if to say 'whats so funny?'.

At that moment My eyes were opened and Christ became more real than He ever had in the past. What took me by suprise at the moment though was that the others around did not understand, they did not 'get' what Wendell had said.

What is even more suprising 8 years later is that the church is so undecided itself on this very subject. I hear as much relativity coming from the mouths of Christians as I do the liberal media.
It is disturbing, what do you presume the future holds for a church that has begun to embrace this ideology?

Bill Williams said...

stephen that is not my place to judge or predict. JESUS while HE was here said that HE could not judge only the FATHER could.

the key is they do not reap the benefit of GOD's word

thank you so much for your comment.