Wednesday, February 25, 2009

listen, i'm desperate...

well we are in a crisis but there is hope. do you live with that in mind or are you in real desperation. now the key is on what are you building your hope on. i mean for those who are basing their hope on the stock market well today there is hope because the dow was up but at the beginning of the week they were in despair because it was at a record low. for those whose hope is in their 401k, then they are in despair.

i am so amazed at the desperation of so many CHRISTians. we as a family just took a major risk at a time when risking is not a good thing but we are doing great. i have retired when i didn’t need to and common sense said not to but i did it because i believed GOD was leading us to do it and it was the right time and the right thing to do. i won’t go into details except to say that when i was walking into the house this morning after my starbuck’s time, i had the deep sense of really enjoying my life. i really have it good. do i have a job? no. do i have a paycheck? do. do i… no but i really am enjoying my life.

i know a lot of people who have a lot more security than we have but they are in total fear and desperation because they have put their faith and trust in what are the wrong things. henry david thoreau said, "most people live lives of quiet desperation."

i know we are going through tough times. i understand that we are in a time of trouble. our 401k has taken a hit. i know we are in times of sacrifice as our president said last night but my hope is not based on things but on a person. romans 8:18-21 (ms) says, that's why i don't think there's any comparison between the present hard times and the coming good times. the created world itself can hardly wait for what's coming next. everything in creation is being more or less held back. GOD reins it in until both creation and all the creatures are ready and can be released at the same moment into the glorious times ahead. meanwhile, the joyful anticipation deepens.

so many live lives of hope on sunday but desperation on monday and tuesday. GOD is not only the GOD of sunday but the GOD of monday and tuesday. GOD is not only THE GOD in the good times but HE is THE GOD in the bad times. and desperation just shows us who our GOD is.

my faith is in THE GOD everyday and HE has been proven true even this week when we could have been in desperation and fear. is your GOD your money, your investments, your 401k? no wonder you are in desperation. put your hope in THE GOD and see where your desperation goes. yes life is tough right now but there is hope and it is not in washington, it’s not in wall street. it’s in JEHOVAH GOD.

listen it’s in the tough times when one’s faith really comes through.

well just some thoughts here on bills’ front porch…

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