Monday, February 9, 2009

some good stuff...

there is some real good stuff over in the nt book of luke. in chapter 6 verse 37 it says something that really makes a lot of sense when it comes to connecting with people. it says, don't pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults— unless, of course, you want the same treatment. don't condemn those who are down; that hardness can boomerang. be easy on people; you'll find life a lot easier.

the bible is so practical. we say we are CHRIST-followers so we are into what HE expects but it seems that all we do is
  • pick on people
  • jump on their failures
  • criticize their faults
  • condemn those who are down

and we wonder why people don't want to connect with us. i'll tell you, i wouldn't want to. people need us to be easy on them and if we are we will find that life will be a lot easier, a lot more effective.

i used to really be hard on people but i also found that that hardness would always boomerang on me, that i wouldn't get the result that i was looking for. i wouldn't connect with people but i would push them away and it made my life so much more difficult. but i hope that we grow up and learn what works and what works is GOD's way that we find in GOD's word.

just some thoughts up here on bill's front porch...

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