Saturday, March 21, 2009

i am changed...

james says in 2.18 (ms), i can already hear one of you agreeing by saying, "sounds good. you take care of the faith department, i'll handle the works department.

some people in dealing with their CHRISTian life say, ok what you’re talking about is great for you but i think it is this way. you’re into works, i’m into faith. let’s debate it. you have your way, i have mine. stimulate me mentally but don't ask me to make any commitment.

for some people it is all intellectual. there is no action behind it but being a real CHRISTian is more than what you think.

continuing in verse 18 (ms), not so fast. you can no more show me your works apart from your faith than i can show you my faith apart from my works. faith and works, works and faith, fit together hand in glove.

real faith is visible. you can see it. it's apparent. if you claim to be a CHRISTian, people will be able to see it. it's visible.

faith is odorless, weightless, invisible so anybody can claim to have it.

so how do you know for sure? james says, "show me". if you claim to be a CHRISTian i have a right to ask you to prove it by looking at your lifestyle. somebody said, "faith is like calories. you can't see them but you can see the results." you can't see faith but you can see the results.

if i say, "i believe my health is very important. personal health is a high priority in my life. i believe that health is one of the most important things we ought to have."

you say to me, "do you eat right?" "no." "do you exercise? do you get your proper rest? do you take vitamins? do you ever go for a checkup?" "no." you see, it doesn't matter what i say; it doesn't matter what i think. what counts are my actions.

2 corinthians 5:17 (nlt), …those who become CHRISTians become new persons. they are not the same anymore, for the old life is gone. a new life has begun! not over night but they start becoming new.

if you grab onto a 220 wire you're going to know it. i don't see how somebody as big as GOD can enter your life and it not change you. james says, flat out, if it doesn't change you there's a question whether HE's really in your life. what can i see in my life that proves it?

how do you know you're a believer? you'll see some changes in your life. real CHRISTians have been changed.

just some thoughts here on my front porch…

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