Thursday, March 26, 2009

my words direct where i go...

what i say directs where i go…james 3.4b (ms), a word out of your mouth may seem of no account, but it can accomplish nearly anything.

i hurt for so many people who don’t understand this. the right word at the right time can make all the difference.

i had lunch with my son, brett yesterday after he had had coffee in the city with his mentor. erwin had come in from la to ny on business and brett was able to get together with him for coffee. after two hours of being together erwin said something to brett just as they getting ready to leave that was exactly what brett needed to hear. brett then told him that he had said something to him during the time they were together on a trip to ireland a few years back that was the reason brett is now pastoring here on long island. those words changed the direction of his life. and brett and i had lunch to contemplate what these new words meant and what we were going to do with them.

we don’t understand the impact of our words, we really don’t.

listen, i said something to brett yesterday that i believe and i am holding on to and i am living. i said, i believe that the best days of my life are ahead of me. i believe that i am living in the most exciting days of my life and that i don’t even realize how GOD is going to use me. and i am retired. a word out of your mouth may seem of no account, but it can accomplish nearly anything…but then the verse says something else.. —or destroy it!

and that is where so many people are living today.

listen, you can talk yourself into believing anything. you can talk yourself into sickness, you can talk yourself into health. you can talk yourself into hope or you can talk yourself into despair.

you have the power to make today a great day or a horrible day and a lot of it comes from the first words that you hear in the morning. that's why it is so important to start the day in GOD's word where you will be encouraged, your faith strengthened, and not the front page or business page of the newspaper or watching the today show which tells all the negative news and where you will get discouraged.

what you say in the morning determines a lot at how you live your day.

a word out of your mouth...can accomplish nearly anything—or destroy it!

just some thoughts here on my front porch…


Jacquie said...

I whole agree with my whole heart! Words are sooo powerful!

And might i ask Pastor Brett's mentor Erwin? Like Erwin McManus?? Cause that would be CRAZY!! I admire him so much!! Erwin is an amazing speaker/writer/follower of Jesus! Well that makes sense then..cause so is your son! And so are you!!

Bill Williams said...

the answer is yes. he had coffee with erwin this week in the city.