Monday, May 11, 2009

so why?...

again proverbs 21.20 (lb) the wise man saves for the future, but the foolish man spends whatever he gets.

another thing about saving is to learn to be content with what we have. because if you don't learn contentment, you'll spend all the money you have as soon as you get it. one guy used to say, "use it up, wear it out, make do or do without." today that guy is a millionaire. we watch tv, we see things and think, "how am i going to get along without that?"

so why do we save? now, here's where the bible differs from the world's thinking. the world thinks you save for security. if i can just accumulate a big enough bank account i will be financially secure.

but the problem is, there's no such thing as absolute security. no matter how much money you've got, you could lose it instantly. just look at what has happened on wall street. and there are stories upon stories of people who have lost and lost big in the last few months.

that is why so many of you today are having trouble sleeping. you have your security in something that is not secure.

and you can lose it no matter how much you make, no matter what kind of job you've got, you could break a leg, get sick, the economy could bottom out as it has, the place can burn down, electrical and gas prices could go through the roof.

now in order to have security you've got to put your security in something that cannot be taken away from you. everything i have in life can be taken away from me: my family, my money, my reputation, everything. there is only one thing that cannot be taken away from me and that's my relationship with CHRIST. i've got to put my trust and security in CHRIST and not in a passbook account, cd's stocks.

we don't save like the world saves simply for security. paul said in philippians 4.19 (ms), you can be sure that GOD will take care of everything you need, HIS generosity exceeding even yours in the glory that pours from JESUS. that's security. that's the way to be prepared for financial reverses to find security in the LORD.

so why does a CHRISTian save? rick warren says there are three valid reasons for a CHRISTian to save:

  1. it prevents us from impulse buying. we don't spend money on foolish impulses. if we're not saving it, the tendency is to spend it as soon as we get it. you'll see things you want and buy it and you really don't need it. proverbs 21.20 (lb), the wise man saves for the future, but the foolish man spends whatever he gets. you've got to save it so you don't use it on foolish impulses.
  2. it allows us to be able to help other people when they have need. we save in order to help others. that is so great to have money and give it to someone who really needs it. we've also had the blessing of receiving from people who've helped us in a time of need.
  3. it gets your money working for you rather than you working for your money. that's the principle of investment. when you're saving your money it's being invested wisely.

just some thoughts from the front porch...

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