Monday, June 22, 2009

i just want to get along...

conflict is something that can really rob a person of their joy. so how do you handle conflict? how do you handle conflict in your home, at school, at work, at church? how do you handle conflict in life?

now you understand, don’t you that very little is accomplished in life without cooperation. when there is unity there is tremendous power and potential but the problem is people don't always get along. so how do you reduce conflict and increase cooperation? that’s a good question isn’t it?

here is what paul says about this issue in philippians 2.1-2 (ms), if you've gotten anything at all out of following CHRIST, if HIS love has made any difference in your life, if being in a community of the SPIRIT means anything to you, if you have a heart, if you care— then do me a favor: agree with each other, love each other, be deep-spirited friends.

do you realize what would happen in your family if all those were true? listen, what would happen in your church if that described your church?

the problem is we too often compete with people on our own team. instead of complementing each other we are competing with each other. we are fighting each other. we have conflicting desires.

verse 3 the message, don't push your way to the front. jerusalem bible, there must be no competition among you.

as a kid you were involved in sibling rivalries. you competed with your brothers and sisters and now you're much older and much more sophisticated. but some of you are still competing with your brothers and sisters, trying to prove that you're better. you're an adult and you're still trying to compete! you're on the same team, the same family!

but we use put downs. one wife said, i had to marry you to find out how stupid you are. he then said, well you should have known that the moment i asked you to marry me.

now that does not defuse competition, it increases it, put downs increase it. defuse means to reduce the tension, strain and anger.

verse 3 in philips says, never act from motives of rivalry.

there is something to think about from the front porch...

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