Saturday, June 20, 2009

losing is not an option...

when life is a competition or an accumulation then there is always the chance to lose.

when my life is always out there competing with someone else there is either the thrill of succeeding or the agony of failing. i really don't know which is worse, the coming down from a win or the being down from a loss.

then there is the matter of accumulating. i have a lawyer friend here on long island who auctioned off for the court two house of a criminal and they both were sold for over $10,000,000. one of the houses was sold to a neighbor for $3,500,000 and he was going to tear it and his own house down so he could build a bigger house. he must have not felt he had won yet.

it all matters on what you are living for doesn't it? and if you are living for CHRIST, losing is not an option.

just a thought from my front porch...

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