Sunday, July 12, 2009

do you want victory over your complaining?

if you want to get victory over complaining, look for GOD's hand in your circumstances. search for it…look for it.

2 corinthians 4.17-18 (ms), these hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us. there's far more here than meets the eye. the things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. but the things we can't see now will last forever.

now paul is saying there are problems that come into our lives, no doubt. but the way you look at them determines your attitude. because GOD is working these things for good in your life and the good that you're going to get out of them will be much more long lasting than the problem. the problem is temporary in light of how long you're going to live in eternity. so look for GOD's hand in the circumstances.

positive people realize that GOD is controlling circumstances. GOD is fitting everything into a pattern and HIS purpose is greater than your problem.

you see the reason why over and over in the bible we are told not to complain is this, complaining is, in essence, rebellion against GOD. and when i complain about my circumstances that are beyond my control i'm really saying, "if i were GOD things would be different. if i were in charge the whole human race would be much better." that's rebellion and that's why it's so serious. GOD says don't do it.

you see we are challenging three things:

#1. i'm questioning GOD's wisdom. "do YOU really know what YOU're doing? do YOU see what's going on? is this really wise?"

#2. i'm doubting GOD's care. "do YOU really love me? really care for me?"

and #3. i'm forgetting GOD's goodness. and i'm focusing on what i don't have rather than focusing on what i do have. i'm being ungrateful.

often the things that i personally complain about the most, are often the very things GOD knows i need the most in order to become all that HE wants me to be. it is a warning light of GOD. HE's saying, "there's something wrong here. let's change it. stop complaining. start changing!" the only way you change other people is by changing yourself. then they have to react to you differently.

just a thought from the front porch...

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