Monday, July 6, 2009

it is serious to GOD...

now if you want to conquer this problem of complaining that does nothing but make you and those around you miserable you need to admit that you have a problem.

admit it is a problem for you, not for other people, but for you.

proverbs 28.13 (lb), a man who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful. but if he confesses and forsakes them, he gets another chance.

often the most difficult part in learning how to handle complaining is recognizing it in your self. if someone recorded you for a week, what would it reveal about your speech. how much time do you spend griping, complaining, arguing, and saying "life stinks." you've got to admit it's a problem for me.

now the words admit and confess are very important. listen, complaining isn't just a bad habit; it's a sin. we need to confess it. it's a sin; it's serious.

complaining was the sin that kept the israelites out of the promised land. GOD destroyed them in the desert because they grumbled. seven times, scripture says, they murmured. and GOD said, ok, one more time around the desert and finally he said, ok guys, just die there.

the reason the children of israel never got into the promised land was because they were complainers. that's how serious GOD says what we're talking about is. admit it!

just a thought on the front porch...

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