Thursday, August 20, 2009

relationships and life need determination...

determination is a very important quality to have in having successful relationships and a fulfilling life. absolutely nothing worthwhile in life happens without effort. the only way you coast is when you're going downhill. if you're coasting in life right now you're headed downhill. paul said, "i fight to the finish."

notice the terms paul uses in here in philippians 3 verses 12 & 13 (niv) i press on, straining toward the mark... i press on to win the prize for which GOD has called me heavenward in CHRIST JESUS. do you feel the intensity of paul here, the determination? press on in the greek literally means "i over extend myself. i go for it with all i've got. i throw myself into it, straining with every nerve and ounce and muscle to reach the prize." he's a man of intensity, maximum effort. no gain without pain. that's the way to live!

what would happen if CHRISTians would put as much energy into growing as they do into making money or their favorite sport?

acts 20.24 (ms), what matters most to me is to finish what GOD started: the job the MASTER JESUS gave me of letting everyone i meet know all about this incredibly extravagant generosity of GOD. this is paul's life verse. paul said he's not going to stop, to give up, quit. he's going to keep on keeping on until he's experienced all that GOD had for him in life. he wanted to finish the purpose for which GOD made him. HE saved you and me for a purpose. paul said he was going to finish what he started.

i hate the word "quit". it sounds like such a loosing word. i don't like the word "impossible" either. GOD says all things are possible. yet the world is full of quitters, people who cop out at the drop of a hat. they give up on their business, their marriage, their kids, relationships, dreams. paul said what matters most to me is to finish what GOD started. i want GOD's best for my life and i'm going to complete what he's called me to do.

just a thought from the front porch...

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Thanks, that was a good one : )