Friday, August 7, 2009

i can let go, i really can...

where are you living at this moment? no i'm not talking about your physical location but your emotional state? are you living in the present or are you living in the past? where you are living emotionally tells so much about what is happening in your relationships and in your joy.

look at what pauls says in philippians 3.13 (niv), this one thing i do, forgetting what is behind. paul says if he is going to be all GOD wants him to be he's not going to waste any more time on yesterday. it's gone. it's past. my past is past. i let go of my guilt, grief, grudges. i let go of the past so i can get on with the present.

isaiah 43.18 (ms), forget about what's happened; don't keep going over old history. be alert, be present. i'm about to do something brand-new.

you might ask, how do you forget? isn't it true our brain stores everything you have ever done? isn't it true that we never really forget anything? so how do i forget the former?

to forget, actually means, don't let the past affect you anymore. don't let it control you or have power over you or manipulate you. you learn from the past without dwelling on the past. there's a big difference. and once you learn, you let it go and move on. you don't keep hounding yourself about the past.

it's human nature. we tend to remember things we should forget and we tend to forget things we should remember. we hold on to the cruddy, garbage memories we should let go of and we tend to forget the things we should remember, the lessons we learned through it all.

just a thought from the front porch...

1 comment:

Jacquie said...

Thank you Bill. This helped me today.