Monday, August 24, 2009

this is GOD's will for you...

philippians 4. 6, in everything...with thanksgiving. todays english version says, always asking him with a thankful heart.

being thankful helps take care of stress and worry.

the attitude of gratitude. the healthiest human emotion is the attitude of gratitude, having a grateful heart, being thankful. it actually increases your immunities. it is a physical benefit to express the attitude of gratitude. ungrateful people also tend to be unhappy people. nothing ever satisfies them, it's never good enough. they are "when... and then" people -- "when such and such happens then i'll be happy".

if you're depressed, make a list of fifty things you can be grateful for. when you're grateful, it gets the focus off your problems and gets the focus on the benefits in your life. we have so much that we take for granted.

develop the attitude of gratitude and watch the stress level in your life go down. it gets your eyes off the problem and onto the many things we do have to be grateful for.

1 thesalonians 5.18 (ms), be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. this is the way GOD wants you who belong to CHRIST JESUS to live. do you want to know GOD’s will for you? thank God no matter what happens. this is the way GOD wants you who belong to CHRIST JESUS to live

listen, there is always something to be grateful for.

just a thought from the front porch…

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