Wednesday, October 28, 2009

it's a lot easier to criticize than to sympathize...

another way to show that you have mercy is to forgive those who have fallen.

when people make mistakes, do you rub it in? or do you rub it out? when people let you down, do you hold it over their head for the rest of their life, never let them off the hook? that's not mercy.

there was this man whose wife did a very foolish thing in the first six months of their marriage – a dumb decision. she repented of it and asked forgiveness but he never forgave her. he held it over her head, he kept reminding her of it, he used it to justify his own behavior, he abused her for 30 years verbally with this thing she had done. then one day she just left him.

colossians 3.13 (nlt), you must make allowance for each other's faults and forgive the person who offends you. remember, the LORD forgave you, so you must forgive others.

it's interesting about forgiveness that when you're called to receive it, it feels so right; when you're called to give it, it feels so wrong. i don't want to forgive people, i want justice.

like the lady who had her picture taken at a photographer's. she brought it back and said, "it doesn't do me justice!" he said, "you don't need justice, you need mercy!"

if i'm patient, i will be forgiving to the fallen. it's a lot easier to criticize than it is to sympathize. it's a lot easier to point a finger than it is to lend a helping hand.

just a thought from the front porch…

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