Wednesday, October 7, 2009

love is the key when you disagree...

so when someone disagrees with you how do you react? do you retreat in fear or attack in anger, or do you respond in love?

2 timothy 2.24-25 (niv) says meekness is a qualification for spiritual leadership, the LORD’s servant must not quarrel ... those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in hope that GOD will give them repentance.

the bible says that i am not to argue with people. i am not to get in a quarrel. i am to gently instruct and hope that GOD will give them a change of heart.

i am retired now but in the last church i pastored in las vegas, we said "in the essentials we have unity; in the non essentials we have liberty; in all things we have charity." we allowed for diversity in the body of CHRIST. different gifts. different strokes for different folks.

we need to be tender without surrender when somebody disagrees with us.

just a thought from the front porch...

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