Saturday, October 24, 2009

what does a loss of appetite indicate?..

some of you say, "i used to have a hunger for GOD. i remember when i first became a CHRISTian. i devoured the bible. i read it and loved it. you couldn't keep me away from CHRISTians. i wanted to be at church all the time. i had a hunger. but i don't have it anymore."

a loss of appetite indicates illness. in a hospital, when somebody won't eat, they are seriously ill. a sign that they're getting better is they want to start eating again.

some of you say, "i'm a CHRISTian, but, if i were honest, i just don't have that appetite for GOD. i don't have this deep desire to know GOD or read the bible or get to know HIM. i don't have that hunger any more."

i'll tell you why. you're filling yourself on junk food. you have bought into the culture. you’re doing the same thing everybody else is doing. and you're filling yourself with things, attitudes, and events that don't last or satisfy.

maybe you need to go on a media fast to get your SPIRITual hunger back.

when was the last time you sat in your car and turned the radio off just to talk to GOD while you're driving on the freeway? when was the last time you walked into your house and didn't automatically turn on the television? if you're filling yourself with all the world has to offer -- the books, the tapes, the records, the videos and all that – it's no wonder that you're filled and you have no appetite for the things that really count in life. you are pigging out on junk food.

just a thought from the front porch…

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