Monday, October 26, 2009

what is the right way to treat people?...

we have been looking at the 8 attitudes that lead us to real happiness that JESUS gave in HIS first sermon. four of them deal with our relationship to GOD and the other four deal with our relationship to each other. this fifth one deals with our relationship with each other.

matthew 5.7 (ph), happy are the merciful, for they will have mercy shown to them!

JESUS is saying, you get what you give. it's the law of direct return. if you criticize other people, they're going to criticize you. if you're friendly to other people, they're going to be friendly to you. if you're merciful to other people, they'll be merciful to you. if you want to be happy, treat people right.

and what is the right way to treat people? be merciful.

then what is mercy? mercy is love in action.

it's more than just an attitude, more than just feeling sorry for people. it's doing something.

another way to state this verse is (ms), you're blessed when you care. at the moment of being 'care-full,' you find yourselves cared for.

it is the law of direct return.

the bible also says GOD is a merciful GOD. notice psalm 145.8 (ms), GOD is all mercy and grace – not quick to anger, is rich in love. if you want to be like GOD, you have to learn to be merciful.

just a thought from the front porch…

1 comment:

David Charlton said...

Good thoughts my brother I believe that this is a good rule of thumb. I would say that this is defiantly supported in scripture. I wonder though, in light of the surrounding scripture and maybe just where I am living these days if Jesus would have us be merciful absolutely regardless of any mercy that might ever be shown to us n return. In light life if Jesus I wonder if the mercy we give might just bring the persecution that Jesus faced in his most merciful act. Appears to me that sometimes mercy is repaid with mercy and other times with a cross. Who knows just some thoughts from Sin City. Give your family my love.