Monday, November 16, 2009

how do i get a clean heart?...

so how do i get a clean heart? how can i clean up my heart so i can be happy?

the answer is you can't on your own. otherwise JESUS wouldn't have needed to come to earth.

i would like to recommend to you a heart specialist. HIS name is dr. JESUS. HE makes house calls. HE doesn't cost a thing. HE is a pro in heart transplants. HE wants to give you a new life through HIS HOLY SPIRIT.

do what david did in psalm 51. he had had the most shattering experience of his life. he had committed adultery with another man's wife and then had him killed. he was a murderer and an adulterer. he felt bad. psalm 51.10 (lb), create in me a new, clean heart, o GOD, filled with clean thoughts and right desires.

to get a clean heart you just ask GOD. look at the word new. GOD wants to give you a brand new heart. HE wants you to put your trust in HIM. just ask HIM for a clean heart and HE'll give you a new heart, a new outlook, a new life, a new start.

JESUS through HIS HOLY SPIRIT is the key the only key. HE wants to and can make the difference in your worries, your ambitions, your motivations, your priorities. do you want to be happy and experience GOD’s presence? just come to HIM and ask HIM to clean up your heart and to make it new and HE can and HE will.

just a thought from the front porch…

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