Sunday, November 1, 2009

we are to do to others what HE has done for us...

so what is my motivation to be merciful this week?

well, because GOD has shown me mercy.

matthew 18:33 (lb), shouldn't you have mercy on others just as I had mercy on you?

GOD expects me to do to others what HE has already done to me.

when you think about those people who really tick you off, if you're having a hard time being merciful to those people, remember what a jerk you've been with GOD. i think of all the flack that GOD has taken from bill williams – all the stuff i've done my own way, done my own thing, shined on GOD and said, "forget it! i'm going to do this!" yet, GOD still loves me.

what a gracious, merciful GOD HE is. i think of all the dumb stunts i've pulled and all the things i've done wrong and HE continues to shower me with HIS love and mercy and grace.

stop and remind yourself, "GOD, if YOU can be merciful to me, surely i can be merciful to that person."

one day some religious hypocrites brought a lady caught in the act of adultery to JESUS where HE was teaching and threw her down in front of HIM.

they said, "JESUS, this lady was caught in the act of adultery. and YOU know what the law says – if you're caught doing adultery, you get stoned to death!" JESUS said, "you're right. that's the law. the first one of you who has never broken the law gets to throw the first stone." and they all silently started walking away.

another time JESUS said, "you're so concerned by the problems in that other person's life, before you get the speck of sawdust out of your neighbor's eyes, why don't you get the telephone pole out of your own eye?" no contest.

GOD has been merciful to me so i need to be merciful to other people.

just a thought from the front porch…

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