Wednesday, December 23, 2009

what can i give GOD?...

many of you have enormous SPIRITual potential, you just don't see it. others can see it. GOD can see it. but you can't. you have enormous SPIRITual potential.

GOD has gifted you and talented you and given you health and freedom, a sharp mind and an education and talents and abilities. HE doesn't mean for you to just use them on yourself. one day you will stand before GOD and HE will say, "what did you do with what I gave you?"

are you willing to be used by GOD? to say "GOD, anytime, anywhere, any place, use me. whatever it means. if it means putting my agenda, my goals, my dreams, my plans, my financial package all on the line –go ahead. i cannot stand another day without being in YOUr will completely."

but it starts with a desire. it's as if i were to hold your head under water until you were gasping for breath and with the last ounce of energy you sprung up against me to force yourself up so you could breathe. that's the kind of desire you've got to have.

i can't go on another day without saying, JESUS CHRIST, own me completely and make me what you made me to be in the first place. i'm willing to give up whatever it takes to give up to be the person i was designed to be in the first place. does that scare you? the secret of overcoming the fear of the unknown is by focusing on what you do know. what do we know? we know GOD loves you, GOD says you matter to HIM, GOD has your best interest at heart, HE cares about you and HE knows what will make you happy more than you do. that i know for sure. so i don't have any problems trusting a GOD i know is like that.

CHRISTmas? it is HIS birthday. you've bought gifts for everybody else but normally you buy a gift for the birthday boy. what can i give GOD? HE's got everything? what do you give the person who's got everything? JESUS has everything.

no, HE doesn't. HE doesn't have all of you unless you give it to HIM. my suggestion is that this CHRISTmas as your CHRISTmas gift to JESUS CHRIST, you say, "GOD, here i am. all of me – the good, the bad and the ugly. take it, break it and make it. YOU form it and YOU do whatever YOU want to with it. i am yours in 2010."

just a thought from the front porch…

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