Sunday, January 31, 2010

are you at peace or confused?...

if you are deeply concerned that an impression is from GOD or not, the 7th test is am i at peace about it?

1 corinthians 14.33 (nkj), for GOD is not the author of confusion...

so if you are feeling confused that confusion is not coming from GOD. it may be coming from yourself or other people, but it's not coming from GOD.

if you feel pressured and overwhelmed and driven to make a hasty decision, a major decision in life, and you're very pressured to make it, then question it. that's not the way GOD works

there's not one single example in the bible where GOD says, "rush!" to a major decision. not one. so question it.

the bible says GOD is patient. GOD would rather have you make the right decision than have you make a quick decision. we even say that when you're considering coming to CHRIST. take the time to make the right decision.

i believe if you listen to what GOD has to say, you will inevitably come to the right conclusion that you need to give your life to CHRIST and live your life the way GOD made you to live.

if you're pressured, if you're stressed out, that pressure and stress are not coming from GOD. not at all! it's coming from inside of you, or from the devil, or from some other source.

just a thought from the front porch…

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