Friday, January 29, 2010

is it convicting or condemning?...

here is another good the impression you think is from GOD convicting or condemning? you see conviction is from GOD, condemnation is from the devil. conviction points the way to change, condemnation just makes you feel bad.

when GOD convicts you of sin in your life, it is always specific. HE says, "here's an attitude, behavior, or something in your life that needs changing." HE'll be very specific and put his finger right on it. "you're blowing it in this area." HE will be very specific.

on the other hand, condemnation which comes from the devil, is very vague and very general and basically says, "you're bad. you're no good. you're worthless. you stink. GOD could never use you. forget ever trying to be a CHRISTian." he's very general

now conviction always leads to an action; condemnation just makes you feel bad. when GOD is speaking to you, HE'll say, "here's what's wrong in your life and here's what you need to do." HE'll give you specific things and the result is it always leads to confession, repentance and then forgiveness and the feelings leave.

but condemnation is the devil speaking to you saying, "you're worthless. you call yourself a CHRISTian? who do you think you are? you should give up trying to live for GOD because you can't do anything. you just keep falling and falling." he's always putting you down.

conviction comes from GOD, the HOLY SPIRIT. condemnation comes from the devil and you need to recognize the difference.

to take this a step further, too many CHRISTians, mistake their low self-worth for GOD speaking. what they do is they've taken the voice from their past of an unpleasable parent who, no matter how much you tried, it was never good enough. if you got c's, they wanted b's, if you got b's, they wanted a's, if you got a's, they wanted straight a's.

and the problem is you've taken that voice of that unpleasable parent from your past and put it on your heavenly FATHER and you think GOD is mad at you all of the time.

but HE's not. GOD is not out to beat you up.

just a thought from the front porch…


Rachel said...

AWESOME! I really liked this post. It addresses an issue that I see among other Christians - they think it is God yelling at them or beating them up - when its not.

God doesn't beat us up - as you said He gently leads us telling us what not to do and what to do to honor us, Him, and others. It is encouraging and uplifting.

Thanks for such a well written and clear discription of the differences.


Bill Williams said...

thanks rachel for your comment.