Monday, April 5, 2010

what does grace mean?

see if you can finish these sentences:
there's no such thing as a free ___________.
if it sounds too good to be true it probably _____.
we make our money the old fashioned way; we ______ it.
GOD helps those who help _______________.

americans are pros at performance and we know nothing about grace. the american work ethic says, "you get what you pay for. you get what you deserve." that makes it very hard to relate to the fact that GOD is a gracious GOD. psalm 86.15 (niv), you, o LORD, are a compassionate and gracious GOD.

what does grace mean? what it means is that GOD gives me what i need, not what i deserve.

the bible says that it is GOD's nature to bless undeserving people. HE loves to do it. isaiah 30.18 (niv), the LORD longs to be gracious to you. it's his pleasure. he loves to be gracious. his grace is unconditional, unlimited and unending, the bible says.

now it is important to see that GOD's saving grace removes my guilt and that is so basic. GOD's saving grace removes my guilt. since no body is perfect we all have guilt, everybody makes mistakes. the bible says, all have sinned. we all have guilt feelings.

ephesians 1.7-8 (tev), by the sacrificial death of CHRIST we are set free, that is, our sins are forgiven. how great is the grace of GOD which HE gave to us in such large measure!

this is the most basic truth of CHRISTianity. JESUS CHRIST has already paid for your sins. all you have to do is accept it. there is no reason to go around with a bunch of guilt.

notice, he says, we are free. free from what? free from condemnation, free from guilt, free from worry, free from death. even if there were no heaven, it would be worth it to become a CHRISTian just to have a clear conscious. HE wipes it out. there is no reason to live in regret. there's no reason to live in guilt. that is such good news. GOD's saving grace removes my guilt.

now lf you've personally experienced that you know what real freedom is. JESUS said, i came to set you free. the saving grace removes the guilt in our lives and he forgives it.

just a thought from the front porch…

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