because GOD is in control my problems have a purpose.
1 peter 1.6-7 (ph), at present, you may be temporarily harassed by all kinds of trials. this is no accident [please note – it is not an accident, the problems that you're facing.] it happens to prove your faith which is infinitely more valuable than gold.
peter here is saying that life is not a series of random events that have no meaning. if you are a child of GOD, nothing can come into your life without the heavenly FATHER's permission. everything that happens to you is FATHER-filtered. it's not an accident these problems that you've had.
i am not saying that everything that happens is GOD's will. it isn't. there are many things that happen in life that are not GOD's will. sin is not GOD's will. someone get's cancer – “must be GOD's will”. who said? someone's in an accident and dies – “must be GOD's will”. who said? we are to pray, THY will be done on earth as it is in heaven because GOD's will is not always done.
i'm not saying that everything is GOD's will or that HE causes everything. HE doesn't. HE doesn't cause sin. HE doesn't even cause all your problems. HE doesn't have to. you bring enough problems on yourself. and other people bring enough problems on to you. HE doesn't have to cause problems in your life.
but what i am saying is this: GOD allows – HE permits problems and then HE uses them for a greater purpose. GOD is a pro at turning bad things into good things. HE's the expert at taking problems and bringing the greater purpose out of them.
GOD could have kept paul out of prison at philippi, but HE let him go to prison. HE allowed it and as a result the jailer became a CHRISTian. GOD could have had pharaoh say yes when moses said, “let my people go” but instead HE let him say no so HE could show all of HIS miracles and the ten plagues. GOD could have kept JESUS from going to the cross, not have to have the crucifixion. but HE allowed the crucifixion so HE could do a resurrection.
GOD allows problems in your life. HE doesn't have to cause them. we cause them. we bring them on ourselves and other people cause them. don't blame GOD for all the evil in the world. HE allows it and then HE brings it into focus to help us.
just a thought from the front porch…
Once again, very well said. God "allows." I generally come across people, although practicing Christians for decades, that God "caused" the crisis in their lives. I always try to help them to look inward and search their heart - ask God to show you what you can learn about yourself in that particular situation. However, I've always, that is, almost always, this is difficult if not impossible for some to do.
Thank you Bill for very good message pointed eloquently.
This blessed me tremendously. From the first line, I smiled because I know it to be the truth, God's truth. Thank you, Bro Bill for allowing God to use you.
thanks dee!!!
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