Thursday, September 23, 2010

GOD's redirecting you…

GOD uses failure to educate me and HE uses failure to motivate me. you’ve heard it said that we don’t usually change when we see the light; we change when we feel the heat. proverbs 20.30 (tev), sometimes it takes a painful situation to make us change our ways.

sometimes GOD has to use a little pain to get us to change, to steer us in a new direction. remember elijah and his great SPIRITual experience and a victory over the whole nation of israel. then he runs off to the other side of the desert. GOD takes him to a little stream HE’s provided, a brook in the middle of the desert and HE’s given him food and water and everything’s going great. he’s sitting over on his pity-pot having a great time. the water gave him refreshment on a daily basis. then the bible all of a sudden says this line, one day the brook dried up. i’m sure elijah’s going, “GOD! i’m still here. in the desert! remember me? YOU were giving me water but now the brook has dried up. why did the brook dry up?” and GOD says, “because I don’t want you at the brook any more. I’ve got things for you to do. this is not a vacation for the rest of your life.” so the brook dries up to motivate him to move on, to get back into action.

question: has the brook ever dried up in your life? have you had a financial brook that was doing great and all of a sudden, bam! there’s nothing in it anymore. and the financial brook dried up. or you’ve got great emotions. you’re feeling great. you’re feeling high and close to the LORD and all of a sudden one day, bam! the emotions dry up. what happened? you had a career brook and it dries up. you had a friendship and all of a sudden it dries up. what happened there?

maybe GOD’s trying to redirect you. maybe GOD’s trying to tell you to make a change in the way you’re doing your finances, a change in the way you’re doing your career, a change in the way you’re relating to that person. you correct that and the brook starts to flow again.

just a thought from the front porch…

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