Saturday, September 25, 2010

HE isn't surprised when you fail…

what do you do when you fail? you remember everybody fails, you realize it’s not fatal, you recognize the benefits and you relax in GOD’s grace.

GOD isn’t surprised when you fail. HE knew it was going to happen. in fact, HE expects it and even if you do fail, GOD doesn’t stop loving you. that’s called grace. psalm 103.14 (tev), GOD knows what we’re made of. HE remembers that we are dust.

GOD knows how you’re wired up. HE knows you’re just a human being. HE knows your frailties. HE doesn’t expect you to be perfect. because HE knows what you’re made of. HE doesn’t stop loving you when you blow it and HE doesn’t stop loving you when you fail.

now this is a hard concept for some of you to get because you grew up in performance driven homes. many of you were taught that if you succeeded that meant, “i’m valuable. i’m worthwhile. i’m significant.” but when you failed that meant, “i’m worthless. i’m invaluable and not significant.” you were taught that your worth was based on your performance, that what you are was based on what you do.

and that is a lie! it’s not true. your value as a person has nothing to do with your performance. GOD says, “i love you – period!” GOD’s love for you isn’t dependent upon what you do. it’s dependent upon who HE is. it’s not based on your performance. it’s based on HIS character. GOD says you are worthwhile simply because HE made you and HE doesn’t make junk.

if you think you have to be perfect in order for GOD to love you, you have missed the central message of the bible. you’ve missed the whole thing if you think you have to work for GOD to smile at you. the point is, GOD says “i love you, unconditionally.”

just a thought from the front porch…

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