Thursday, October 21, 2010

life's greatest burden?...

what is life's greatest burden? trying to pretend that we are perfect people. life's greatest burden is trying to measure up to an impossible standard that GOD has already said no one can measure up to. life's greatest burden is trying in our own ability to please GOD when GOD has already said, “i'm pleased with you because of what CHRIST has done for you.” life's greatest burden is seeing GOD, our heavenly FATHER, and making a misconception and making him like a tyrant parent who could never be pleased.

does GOD ever smile at you? do you ever feel GOD's joy? you say, “i used to, when i first accepted CHRIST.” that's because you accepted grace. but subtly, slowly, you were trapped into thinking that the CHRISTian life is a matter of works and the bible says, as you've therefore received CHRIST JESUS the LORD, so walk ye in HIM. just like you accepted HIM, you walk in HIM the same way. just like you became a CHRISTian, you live the CHRISTian life the same way. by grace, through faith. we are imperfect people. but we have a perfect SAVIOR.

would you pray this prayer in your heart? “LORD, thank YOU for loving and accepting me in spite of my imperfections. LORD, help me to love and accept myself in spite of my imperfections. LORD, help to love and accept others in spite of their imperfections.”

if you have never opened your life to JESUS CHRIST, today's the day to do it for you. say, “JESUS CHRIST, i don't understand it all, but i recognize a need for YOU in my life. i realize I need you in my life. help me to understand it more. i ask YOU to forgive me. i believe YOU forgive me. i thank YOU that YOU forgive me. help me to understand it more. as much as i know how, i ask YOU to come into my life and make the changes that i need and want.”

if you prayed that prayer, today is your day of decision. you don't have to understand it all. i didn't either when i first did. i still don't understand everything about the CHRISTian life. but i'm growing in grace. today you have accepted and tomorrow you start growing in it.

just a thought from the front porch…

1 comment:

reyah said...

God is faithfull and true to His Word...loving me above my imperfection.