Saturday, October 9, 2010

no doubts in your mind…

if you will give your life to him, there is no reason for you to have any doubts in your mind. if you were to die tonight, would you go to heaven? there's no reason why you can't be sure, right now. i invite you to give your life to CHRIST, not because you're going to die tonight, but because you've got to live tomorrow. it's the greatest life. it is the extreme lifestyle. yet people walk away as if you're trying to give them cancer.

some of you have thought about this for some time. you have a mate – a husband or wife – who know the LORD and you've seen the difference in their life and you've seen the difference in other CHRISTians, but you're afraid of letting go and giving the control of your life to somebody else. when you give your life to JESUS CHRIST, you will never experience the freedom you've felt until you do that. today is your day. don't wait any longer. today is your day. GOD brought you here to the porch today. and HE's saying, “i'm knocking at your heart's door and i want to come into your life. i want to give you the ultimate lifestyle.”

would you pray this prayer in your heart right now? just say, “GOD, i realize i've made a lot of mistakes in my life. i've sinned. i've blown it. I ask you to forgive me for trying to do things my way. help me to believe that YOU love me. help me to believe that there is no condemnation. help me to accept your forgiveness and to forgive myself. JESUS CHRIST, i don't understand it all but i want to accept that YOU died for me on the cross and i ask YOU to come into my life. set me free from all the things that bind me up. put hope into that hopeless situation.

LORD, i want to thank you that all things work together for good in the lives of those who love you. LORD, i want to put my life in YOUr hands so that everything will start working together for good. help me to see that YOU have a purpose for my problems. help me to see that i don't have to fear anything if i've trusted YOU. help me to believe that YOU will meet all my needs. as much as i know how, JESUS CHRIST, i ask YOU to come into my life. save me. i want a relationship, not a religion, but a relationship with YOU. LORD, i know that i'm going to make mistakes and fumble and stumble, but i thank you that YOU are a forgiving GOD because of what JESUS has done.”

if you prayed that prayer in your heart GOD heard you. the bible says, whoever calls on the name of the LORD will be saved. it's a promise. i made a decision like this and it was the most important decision in my life. life is not perfect as a CHRISTian. you still have problems. but now you've got a new power to help you, a new strength. GOD is for you.

just a thought from the front porch…


supri said...

Nice blog bill...
Haven nice day..

Bill Williams said...

thanks supri!!!