Saturday, October 16, 2010

stop working so hard…

GOD says grow in grace. don't just accept grace, but grow in it. 2 peter 3.18 (niv) says, grow in the grace…of JESUS CHRIST.

you don't break the habit of perfectionism overnight. you didn't learn it overnight and you don't break it overnight. it takes time. it takes time to reprogram your mind and realize that GOD loves me unconditionally. it takes time to realize that the secret of CHRISTian living is to stop trying and to start trusting, to stop working so hard and to start resting in GOD's grace. it's a process of becoming.

the amazing truth is that GOD is pleased with you in the process – right now – even before you reach your goal. people think, “sure, i realize that GOD is changing me and making me more like CHRIST. the more like CHRIST i become i'll be right on target and then GOD's going to be pleased with me.” but GOD is pleased with you now, because of CHRIST.

stefanie my daughter is a tremendous young lady. in thinking back when she was smaller what if she would have come to me with a picture and she would have asked me, “do you like it, daddy?” and i would have said, “stef, it's perfect!” was i saying that it was on the level of a picasso or rembrandt or norman rockwell? no. what i was saying was it's perfect for that stage.

GOD knows where you are and HE's working in your life. and philippians 1.6 (niv) says, being confident of this, that HE who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of CHRIST JESUS.

do you remember when your kids took their first steps? it was like one step, then tumble and fall flat... one step, hit the wall... one step, fall backwards... it seemed they spent ninety percent of their time on the floor, but were you pleased with that little step? you better believe it!

the fact is, GOD, our heavenly FATHER, looks at us and HE's pleased with our little baby steps, even though most of us spend ninety percent of our time falling flat on our face. HE's still pleased with the baby steps.

just a thought from the front porch…

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