Friday, December 24, 2010

a win-win deal…

historically, fully devoted followers of CHRIST have always lived with a spirit of DIVINEly inspired optimism even in the middle of uncertain times. that's why the apostle paul once said, for me to live is CHRIST, and to die is gain, which just means paul was saying, “i'm confident that CHRIST will supply me with whatever i need to face any problem this life throws at me, and when this life ends, i'll spend eternity in the very presence of GOD the FATHER.”

so, it's a win-win deal, and many true CHRISTians cling tightly to that reality – the promise of help in this life and the promise of heaven in the next, and that sense of optimism sort of makes them feel like they're home.

look at the irony today, will you? the SON of GOD leaves HIS home, HE's born a homeless person in a temporary shelter, HE identifies with the homeless all throughout HIS ministry, HE's buried in a borrowed grave, and yet, through HIS death and resurrection, HE enables all wandering people to recapture a sense of home in this life, recapture a sense of belonging, a sense of safety, a sense of optimism and, beyond that, he promises a permanent home in heaven forever.

let me ask you a personal question? are you really going home for CHRISTmas, home in the ultimate sense? are you really enjoying the fact that you belong to GOD? you belong to HIM, and you know you do. do you really feel safe in HIS care?

do you feel that sense of optimism about your future here in this life because HIS power is available to you? and do you feel optimistic about eternity because you know you have a home in heaven waiting for you?

if you're already home in CHRIST and you're sure of it, don't let this CHRISTmas time pass without worshipping GOD for the gift of HIS SON that makes home possible wherever you are. make sure you worship GOD in a profoundly personal and authentic way for HIS bringing you home.

and then maybe you might be feeling far from GOD, why don't you come home? why don't you come home today? why don't you mark today as the day that you came home to CHRIST?

why don't you just admit your distance from HIM, admit your confusion about HIM, admit your wandering, admit your sin and maybe admit your despair? and why don't you say, “oh, GOD, through CHRIST, forgive my wandering, forgive my self-willed ways that have made distance between you and me. GOD, take me home today in the ultimate way. i want to come home.”

just a thought from the front porch…

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