Sunday, January 9, 2011

GOD never made you to be a wimp…

in dealing with a cranky co-worker you should refuse to argue, refuse to retaliate and refuse to cave in.

now a lot of people don't understand this. they just believe that CHRISTians are to submit and let everything happen.

romans 12 verse 2 in the philips translation, don't let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold.

here is the point. no one can pressure you without your permission. ok? if you feel pressured by a cranky co-worker at work, you are allowing yourself to feel pressured by that person. if you feel controlled or manipulated at work, you are allowing yourself to be controlled or manipulated.

it says, don't let the world squeeze you into it's mold. what is it saying? it's saying that its ok to stand up for what's right. it's ok to be assertive when you know something is right.

listen, i meet CHRISTians all of the time who let people around them get away with murder. as if it is more SPIRITual to just be quiet and put up with it all.

the fact is, GOD never made you to be a wimp. HE doesn't expect you to be a doormat.

you say, but isn't a CHRISTian suppose to be meek? yes but meekness is not weakness. there is a big difference.

the word meekness in greek literally means, strength under control.

it is used in talking about a wild stallion broken and now tamed. that stallion still has as much power when it is tamed as when it was wild but now it is bottled up for the masters use. it is strength under control.

just a thought from the front porch…

1 comment:

mannoy said...

When I was a kid, I was fascinated by horses or stallions especially in the cowboy movies. I remember that stallions are ridden by both the heroes and the villains.