Monday, February 14, 2011

doubt, disobedience and decision…

let’s say that you have decided to ask JESUS to come into your life but you decide that you don’t really want to fully live from HIS standpoint. you have this one area that you know is displeasing to GOD but you are going to do it anyway. that means there is some guilt that is in your life and guilt drives away peace and because you don’t have the peace that others have you then doubt if it is true. but it comes because of your disobedience.

doubt can come in through our point of decision. if you’ve never made the conscious decision to have a relationship with JESUS CHRIST then you begin to doubt whether or not you know GOD personally when the reason is you don't know GOD personally. you may sort of be riding on the SPIRITual coattails of somebody else like your parents. you may have grown up in a CHRISTian home and gone to church your whole life but when people talk about knowing GOD in a powerful, a passionate, an intimate way, you don't know him that way. and you begin to doubt that HE’s there at all. and you think those people are delusional or something. so the real reason is there’s never been a conscious choice you’ve ever made to say, “i want to receive JESUS CHRIST as the forgiver of my sins and the leader of my life,” so that from that moment on you can begin to build a relationship with HIM.

just a thought from the front porch…


Steve Barrett said...

Enjoyed the post.
It`s a decision that takes a whole life to live out! It`s a process for some, a critical decisive moment for others!

Bill Williams said...

so true, stephen. good comment!


hey Bill, just wondering how do you come up with your blogs daily? does something just cross your mind or do you write your ideas for your posts on other sources? good ones i enjoy your posts! CAROL-J

Bill Williams said...

thank you, carol. i am a retired pastor and i have just broken down my messages that i have given in my churches that i have pastored and updated then some to this form. i'm glad they are meaningful to you.