Friday, April 8, 2011

difficulties, despair, and the right response…

difficulties cause us to despair.  acts 17.20 (niv), we finally gave up all hope of being saved. 

fourteen days in total darkness on this ship in a storm, don't know where they’re going, they’re being beat up, tossed back and forth.  they’ve given up their cargo, their tackle, their food.  finally they give up hope.  that’s the last thing to go.  hope. 

but they’d forgotten one thing:  even in a storm GOD is in control.  HE hasn’t left you.  you may not feel HIM.  if you feel far from GOD, guess who moved?  HE hasn't left you.  HE’s with you in that storm.  HE’ll help you through it.  GOD is testing you to see if you’ll trust HIM. 

so what is the right response to difficulty?  if you're not in it now, you're going to go through it. 

first of all if you brought it on yourself, admit it.  stop blaming other people.  stop making excuses.  face the problem and say, i brought this on myself. 

if you've got a problem with drugs, admit it.  if you've got a problem with alcohol, admit it.  if you've got a problem with your temper, you admit it.  if you've a problem with your mouth, admit it. 

the bible says in proverbs 28.13 (tlb), a man who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful.  but if he confesses and forsakes them, he gets another chance. 

accept responsibility.  what are you pretending is not a problem?  first admit when you are the problem and turn the light on and you won't be afraid anymore. 

just a thought from the front porch…

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