Saturday, April 16, 2011

do something as if, then you will…

when i don’t have the faith to do something, i go ahead and do it anyway as though i had the faith.  then i get the faith.

let me say that again.  when i don’t have the faith to do something, i go ahead and do it anyway as though i had the faith and then i get the faith.

dr. suess:  one of the great theologians of our day.

did i ever tell you about the young zode?
who came to two signs in the fork of the rode?
he looked one way and then the other way too
and so the zode had to make up his mind what to do.
well the zode scratched his head and his chin and his pants
and he said to himself, “i’ll be taking a chance.
if i go to place one – that place may be hot.
how will i know if i like it or not?
on the other hand, though, i’d feel such a fool
if i go to place two and find it’s too cool
in that case i may catch a chill and turn blue
and so place one may be the best and not place two.

on the other hand, though, if place one is too high
i might get a terrible earache and die
on the other hand, though, if place two is too low
i might get some terrible pain in my toe.
so, place one may be the best.”  he started to go.
he stopped and said, “on the other hand though
on the other hand, other hand, other hand though”
and for thirty-six and one half hours that zode
made starts and made stops at the fork in the rode.
saying, “no, don’t take a chance, you might not be right.”

then he got an idea that was wonderfully bright
“play safe”, cried the zode.  “i’ll play safe, i’m no dunce.
i’ll simply start off to both places at once.”
and that’s how the zode who would not take a chance
got to no place at all with the split in his pants.

what decision do you need to make?  i implore you do something great with your life for JESUS’ sake.  don’t waste your life.  don’t live in mediocrity.  don’t just exist.  make the decisions that will determine your destiny. 

just a thought from the front porch…

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