Monday, April 4, 2011

how long, whose fault, and why?...

an important question to ask in the midst of going through difficulties is “what does GOD want me to learn from this difficulty?’ 

2 cointhians 4.17 (ph), these little troubles, which are temporary, are winning for us a permanent, glorious and solid reward out of all proportion to our pain.  

there is a line between troubles and temporary and then permanent and reward.  paul is saying that the problems you have in your life are not going to last.  the problems are temporary but the reward is permanent.  the purpose is permanent. 

when we go through difficulties, the first thing we try to do is blame somebody else.  whose fault is this? 

it doesn't matter where your problem came from GOD still has a purpose for it in your life.  HE wants you to grow as a result of it.  even when you do stupid things yourself, GOD can use it.  even when other people hurt me intentionally HE can use it.  even when the devil plans bad things for my life, GOD can bring good out of it. GOD’s purpose is greater than your problem and your pain.  GOD has a plan behind your pain, your problem.  HE’ll use it.  you need to look past the temporary pain and look at the long-term benefit, the results in your life. 

romans 5.3-4 (tlb), we can rejoice when we run into problems and trials for we know ... they help us learn to be patient.  and patience develops strength of character in us and helps us trust GOD more each time. 

the result?  GOD wants you to learn something.  that's the whole purpose for the problems and difficulties you're facing.  every storm is a school.  every trial is a teacher.  GOD wants to teach you through your troubles.  every experience is an education.  every difficulty is for your development.  GOD says, “I want you to learn something from this difficulty – that's the purpose, the result.

just a thought from the front porch…

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