Sunday, July 17, 2011

learn to forgive…

on the way towards that dream there were probably some people that hurt you.  when you reach that dream there are probably some people that wronged you.  if you hold on to an unforgiveness towards those people, you end up ruining the dream.  it would have for joseph.

genesis 42 you hear the story of joseph and his brothers.  we go back to square one.  here’s joseph.  he has the dream, he’s over in egypt second ruler in all of egypt, he’s feeding the world, and here’s his brothers. 

verse 1. (niv), when jacob learned that there was grain in egypt and he said to his sons, “why do you just keep looking at each other?”  because of their fear.

in genesis 42 you see the picture of a family who’s living with their solution instead of GOD’s solution.  you see the picture of grief twenty to twenty-four years later.  you see the picture of guilt at least twenty years later.  grief and guilt were still a part of this family’s life even a generation later.  look in verse 4 at the grief that’s still there. 

ten of joseph’s brothers went down to buy grain from egypt but jacob didn’t send benjamin, joseph’s brother, with the others because he was afraid that harm might come to him. 

benjamin was the youngest brother.  the grief is still there, twenty years later.  when they sold joseph into slavery they thought they were getting rid of their problem.  they hadn’t solved their problem.  they invited their problem to move in, right next door, right in their house, right in their bedroom for twenty years.  that’s what happens when it’s our solution not GOD’s solution. 

some of you are living with your solution right now.  you’re thinking right now, “that’s the truth!”  you can make a change. 

just a thought from the front porch…