Saturday, July 9, 2011

right thing at the right time…

joseph has a GOD given dream and he is in prison but his story isn’t done.  genesis 41.1 (msg), two years passed and pharaoh had a dream...  two years later! 

joseph’s story is an amazing story of GOD’s wisdom and GOD’s timing.  it was a right time.  and joseph did the right thing at the right time.  it took two years and three days for GOD’s timing to act.  you may be in that time right now – that two-year period –what you’ve done is already working in some way; you just haven’t seen the results of it yet.  just like joseph.

now joseph had an opportunistic wisdom.  he had what could be called an open door faith.  that is the kind of faith that looks for and goes through GOD’s open doors. 

what we do so many times in our faith is close the doors for GOD, deciding in advance that they’re closed.  we’re not even going to try that door.  “GOD doesn’t want to do that.  it didn’t work before.  that’s just the way it is.” 

fast forward – two years later.  pharaoh has a dream and he can’t find anybody to interpret it.  guess what?  the cupbearer remembers, “there’s a guy in prison.  i wonder if he’s still there.” 

genesis 41.14&15 (msg), pharaoh at once sent for joseph. they brought him on the run from the jail cell. he cut his hair, put on clean clothes, and came to pharaoh.  “i dreamed a dream,” pharaoh told joseph. “nobody can interpret it. but i’ve heard that just by hearing a dream you can interpret it.”

what’s an open door faith?  well, it’s the ability to take risks.  there was a good chance in that day that if you didn’t interpret a dream the way the leader, the pharaoh, liked, if he felt like you were trying to make up an interpretation, trying to impress him, trying to lie to him in any way, the leader would have you killed.  that simple. 

so joseph had to make a choice.  be stuck in prison.  he could stay there the rest of his life and be safe.  or he could take a risk and try and interpret pharaoh’s dream and perhaps lose his life.  an open door faith has the ability to take risks in a GODly kind of way.  he did that when he went and interpreted the dream. 

i know some people who love to take risks.  they take risks all the time.  they love risks so much they feel like, “i’ll risk everything!  my family, my life.”  they get an adrenaline high from risks.  i'm not talking about that kind of a risk.  i'm talking about the kind of risks not that raises your adrenaline but raises your faith.  the kinds of risks that make you face your fears.  the kind of risks that make you begin to believe you could do something you never thought before by GOD’s power.  that kind of risk.  not a self-motivated risk but a GOD directed risk.  do you see the difference between the two?  a GOD motivated risk. 

just a thought from the front porch…

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