Thursday, July 14, 2011

the wisdom to remember GOD...

joseph had gratitude.  he had the wisdom to remember GOD. 

read in genesis 41 joseph’s talk with pharaoh and see how many times the name of GOD comes up.  GOD’s going to do this. GOD gave the dream, here’s what GOD revealed.  you might also notice later in chapter 41 that later in joseph’ life when he names his first son he again honors GOD.  he recognizes GOD throughout every moment of his life.  GOD’s name keeps coming up.

how often does GOD’s name come up in your conversations?  not often?  not very much?  HE’s the most important person in our lives.  HE’s more important than any business deal.  as important as some of our family relationships are, HE’s more important than any family relationship.  how often did GOD’s name come up in your conversation today or this week, this month?  part of gratitude is allowing GOD’s name to come up, letting people know that you give HIM the credit. 

the world hates this.  watch how reporters act when some football player who scored a touchdown or fighter who won a fight brings up GOD’s name.  it drives them bananas!  “let’s leave GOD out of this and talk about the fight/touchdown!”  they don’t want to hear about GOD’s name.  but if you’re a believer in CHRIST, don’t let the world press you into its mold.  GOD’s name should come up in our conversation.  it should make some people uncomfortable.  they know they need GOD in their conversation too.          

gratitude.  joseph had the wisdom to remember GOD.

just a thought from the front porch…

1 comment: said...

I truly agree we always have to include God in everything that we do, decisions to be made and with that we can be sure that we will be blessed and guided by the Holy Spirit. In every blessings we receive each day have a thankful heart. There's a song that goes " Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you Alleluia.