Wednesday, September 21, 2011

how to get out of depression…

are you a chronic worrier?  it’s because you’re doubting the goodness of GOD.  whatever gets your attention, gets you.  whatever you resist, persists.  stop fighting it, just refocus.  turn your back on it.

how do you get out of depression?  not by looking at what you are and telling yourself what you are.  that never changes you but focus on what you want. 

this is the day that the LORD has made, i will rejoice and be glad.  it’s a choice.  i will bless the LORD at all times…HIS praise will continually be in my mouth…i can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens me.

get GOD’s word in your mind and refocus.  quit fighting the feeling.  what you resist, persists.  you can’t fight a feeling but if you ignore it, you weaken it.

listen, don’t try to argue with the devil.  he’s a lot better at it than you are.  he’s had thousands of years of experience.   when temptation calls, drop the receiver and forget it.

now when you refocus it may mean physically removing yourself from the situation.  if you don’t want to get stung, get away from the bees. 

maybe you need to change the channel on the tv.  maybe you need to walk out of that movie.  maybe you need to get out of that chat room.  maybe you need to change jobs.  maybe you need to change a car pool.

joseph was in a tempting situation and he left his coat and ran.  if you have to leave your coat, leave your coat.  walk out.  1 corinthians 15.33 (niv), bad company corrupts good character.  you know your weakness and GOD does too.  maybe you need to be redirected.

just a thought from the front porch…

1 comment:

Tomas said...

It is not that simple :) Refocus, concentrate on what you want and than ...

I want many things, house on few acres of land, car, family, travel. But do I really want that? Do I really need that?

What if I feel like I lost my passions? What if I don't know any more what I really want. What if I don't know where to go or what to do? What if I keep asking God for help to find my way? What if I appreciate what I have and I'm grateful for that but feel stuck in not-knowing? What if ...

I survive but is it a life?