Friday, February 24, 2012

the MASTER wants to teach you how to do it...

imagine that you love golf. you buy golf magazines, you get instructional golf videos, you subscribe to the golf channel. then one day when you get home, there’s a message on your answering machine from tiger woods offering to fly you down to orlando and give you some tips on how to improve your golf game. you think you’d take him up on it?  he’s preparing for the masters but he wants to also help you out.

this is an opportunity to receive top flight instruction from one of the world’s greatest masters in the area of your deepest passion.  that’s a can’t miss deal. that’s a no-brainer.

then imagine this would’ve happened to you in whatever your deepest passion happens to be. imagine warren buffet offered to give you some guidance for stock investing and start you out with a small stake.

or imagine imelda marcos volunteered to take you shoe shopping–whatever your deepest passion is, it’s a can’t miss deal.

here’s why i bring this up. the disciples had been watching JESUS quite closely, and they saw that here was someone with a connection to GOD like they had never, ever seen before.  even in this life, you and i often know of people who, when you pray with them, it just seems like this person is at home in the presence of GOD.

well, JESUS’ disciples saw this quality in HIM. i think if you were to ask the disciples, “what’s JESUS secret? what enables HIM to live such an extraordinary life?”  i think if they had to answer in one word, that word would be prayer.  no one has ever prayed like JESUS. it marked HIS life. we’re told in the bible from the beginning to the end about how prayer marked HIS life.

well, in luke 11 it says JESUS was praying in a certain place. HIS disciples were watching HIM, and one of them had an idea. what if JESUS could show them how to pray like HE prayed?  what if they might start praying like the master of prayer?

so one of the disciples – the text doesn’t say which one – got his courage up and said, “JESUS, teach us to pray.”  JESUS said, “okay.”

now, of course, they didn’t know that’s just what HE was waiting for.  HE’d been kind of setting that deal up the whole time. HIS greatest desire was to teach them to pray.

HE didn’t want their prayer life to just flounder around.  HE was just waiting to sign HIS disciples up to enroll in the school of prayer, and HE’ll do the same for you and me. but i want to say right now at the outset of our looking at this subject you must make this request of JESUS –you personally, yourself.

just a thought from the front porch…

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